

OFITE Celebrates New ISO Certifications

OFITE Celebrates New ISO Certifications

For years, our quality management system has been ISO 9001:2008 certified. We constantly work hard to meet the strict requirements necessary to maintain this certification and we are proud of the results. Our quality management system helps us provide outstanding customer service, develop superior products, and continuously improve our operations. Now we are excited to announce two big changes in our ISO certification.

First, our QMS has been upgraded and is now ISO 9001:2015 certified. The 2015 revision of the 9001 standard reflects the changing business environment. With a greater focus on leadership engagement and risk-based thinking, we are confident our new process will help us be more efficient and improve customer satisfaction.

Second, we now have an ISO 14001:2015 certified Environmental Management System. The ISO 14001 standard is helping us manage our environmental responsibility. We have committed to meet or exceed all regulatory requirements and minimize any negative impact we make on the environment.

To learn more about ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, visit the ISO website. And visit our Quality page and our Environmental page to read our policies and certificates.

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