Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

OFITE Environmental Aspect, Impact, and Scope Statement

OFITE designs, manufactures, sells, and services laboratory equipment and reagents. As a result, our company has created a complex supply chain, manufacturing process, and waste stream. We recognize that our environmental impact is not limited to our facility. As a global supplier, our environmental impact can cross many borders.

OFITE excludes none of our activities within our scope. We will monitor and continuously improve all of our own activities and source our supply chain and logistical services through environmentally responsible suppliers.

OFITE Environmental Policy

OFITE has made a commitment to regulatory agencies, our customers, our neighbors, and society at large to meet or exceed all regulatory requirements and minimize any negative impact we make on the environment. 

OFITE will continuously monitor, measure and improve the following activities:

Resource Conservation

  • Measure and minimize power and water consumption
  • Maximize use of paperless documents and records
  • Maximize site and building efficiency by using a proactive maintenance and operations approach

Waste Disposal and Recycling

  • Recycle or reuse packaging materials whenever possible
  • Recycle electronic waste, including circuit boards, electronic components and assemblies, and electric motors
  • Recycle scrap metals
  • Dispose of waste fluids and reagents through certified collectors
  • Recycle office paper and toner cartridges
  • Provide product end-of-life information and resources to our customers for disposal and recycling

Community Impact

  • Maintain a litter-free facility
  • Keep pavement areas clean to minimize storm water pollution
  • Maximize drought-resistant landscaping
  • Wash our fleet vehicles using services with reusable water and treatment capability

Operational Responsibility

  • Select environmentally responsible suppliers
  • Outsource processes which cannot be environmentally optimized at our own facility
  • Purchase RoHS compliant components
  • Design and manufacture products that minimize environmental impact through all stages of their life cycles

Awareness and Commitment

  • Top management will make the necessary resources available to sustain this policy
  • All employees will be empowered to be active participants of this policy
  • This policy will be proudly communicated and shared with all interested parties and the public at large

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