

Introducing the OLR

Introducing the OLR

At OFITE we are excited to announce a new product for rheology testing. The OLR Series 1000 OnLine Rheometer is designed to continuously measure, plot, and report the flow properties of process fluids in the pipe. It provides instant and accurate rheological data in real time so that during manufacturing and processing, liquids are produced and maintained within specification.

The OLR is designed for use in a pipe. It continuously measures and relays the data to the process operator, either through the software (SOLR) or through a factory PLC (Process Logic Controller). The plant operator or engineer input specific flow property data for the product being tested to establish the optimum production specification parameters. The OLR monitors the process and displays the product conformance throughout the manufacturing and production process.

The OLR uses a squeeze-flow technique. It measures storage modulus and loss modulus by imposing a small cyclic deformation on a liquid sample at a variety of frequencies, from 1 to 100 Hz. The response of the liquid is measured and displayed in terms of G’ (storage modulus), G’’ (loss modulus), δ (phase angle), and ƞ*.

The OLR is an integral part of the OFITE Automated System (OASys). It measures the full flow curve, providing a complete rheological profile, while the Mud Aid™ and Mud Watcher provide more conventional oilfield measurements. Together, they make a powerful tool for measuring drilling fluid rheology.

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